Helping people far from God
trust and follow Jesus.
Helping people find where they belong, restore hope, and find Jesus-centered transformation.

- We immerse ourselves in worship, preparing our hearts to encounter God and embrace His Word.
- We believe in spiritual power so we pray because it’s real.
- .We prepare ourselves thoroughly and engage our hearts, we aim to create an atmosphere where our church can encounter God profoundly.
- We do life in groups and teams because. . . Jesus did.
- We believe every group and team should help people trust and follow Jesus.
- We believe we are all flawed people and we accept everybody without condition because that's how Jesus loves us.
- We develop leaders because Jesus poured his life into the few to impact the many.

- We are called to love people across the street and around the world.
- We pray that God will use us to change the worldview of the next generation because we want our children to have a Christ-centered impact on the world.