Kick Start
Kick Start is designed to help you learn more about One Life and our mission, and find your unique seat at the table. Whether you've been here 10 minutes or 10 years...this is your best first step.
Our vision is not to simply provide belonging, hope, and transformation to our church. Our vision is to see Henderson become a city multiplying radical belonging, restorative hope, and Jesus-centered transformation. This is WAY bigger than One Life Henderson...this involves YOU.
Watch our public announcements for the next Kick Start!
We engage the Bible.
Both research and experience have shown, the number one way to grow in your faith is purposefully engaging the Bible. Pick up a free Bible in our lobby or you can also join our YouVersion Community.
We pray.
We believe in spiritual power, so we pray because it's real. Check out these tools and opportunities to help you grow in your own prayer life, as well as pray with and for others.
We do life in Groups.
Life is simply better with others. Growth Groups are where we can truly experience the radical belonging and restorative hope that lead to ongoing (and multiplying) Jesus-centered transformation. Find a Growth Group for you, or launch one to invite others to the table.
We serve.
Whether serving on Campus or building a great city, Mission Teams are our mission and vision in action. Find the perfect spot for you to live your Made For This, and help us build "a city multiplying."
We give.
One of the ways we worship extravagantly is through extravagant generosity. When you give here, you are actively multiplying our mission and vision across every area, even those you don't touch directly.