We Read The Bible.
Both research and experience have shown, the number one way to grow in your faith is purposefully engaging the Bible. Pick up a free Bible in our lobby.
We Pray.
We believe in spiritual power, so we pray because it's real. Check out these tools and opportunities to help you grow in your own prayer life, as well as pray with and for others.
We Do Life In Groups.
Life is simply better with others. LifeGroups are where we can find a group of people to grow in our faith and do life with one another. Find a LifeGroup for you, or let's talk about the possibility of you being a LifeGroup leader.
we serve
Find the perfect spot to use your God-given skills and talents to serve and help move the mission of Jesus forward.
We Give
One of the ways we worship is through extravagant generosity. When you give here, you are actively multiplying our mission and vision across every area, even those you don't touch directly.